The Exciting Topics and Agenda for both Days
Day 1 - Lifecycle of a Fire Alarm System
7:45 8:15 Continental Breakfast
8:15 8:30 Introduction and Chairman’s Address - Colin Greenhalgh, Committee Chair
8:30 9:15 Keynote: Fire-risk Reduction Initiatives and the Fire Safety Act - Fire Commissioner Brian Godlonton
9:15 9:45 Design: More than just a pretty picture - Amir Tavakoli – AES Engineering
9:45 10:15 Permitting: Dot the i’s and cross the t’s - Calvin Gray – Chief, Victoria Building Department
10:15 10:45 Break – Join our Exhibitors for Coffee
10:45 11:15 Installation Tim Lindsay – Retired Owner of Cantec Fire
11:15 11:45 Verification of Fire Alarm Systems - Ark Tsisserev – AES Engineering
11:45 12:15 Integrated Systems Testing Tess Espejo – Underwriter’s Laboratories of Canada
12:15 13:45 Lunch – Join our Exhibitors for Lunch
13:45 14:15 Annual Inspection Joe Robinsmith
14:15 15:15 Smoke Dampers Tim Renaud – Honeywell
15:15 15:45 Break – Join our Exhibitors for Coffee
15:45 16:15 End-Of-Life to Upgrading: Palliative Panel Care TBA
16:15 16:45 AHJ/FD Inspections Rick Cheung – Ass’t Chief, Vancouver Fire Dept.
16:45 17:00 Awards & Honors/ Chairman’s Closing Remarks Colin Greenhalgh, Committee Chair
17:00 17:30 Vendor Tables and Coffee
Day 2 - Presented by the Canadian Fire Alarm Association
8:00 8:15 Introduction and Chairmans Address Joe Robinsmith - BC CFAA, Secretary
8:15 9:15 Annual Inspection of Sprinklers John MacDonald - Mac1 Industries & CFAA President
9:15 10:15 Implementation of Integrated Testing - CAN/ULC-S1001 Mike Lonergan - ITC, Longeran Engineering
10:15 10:45 BREAK
10:45 12:15 New requirements for CAN/ULC- S524, 536, & 537 Mike Hugh - JCI Johnson Controls
12:15 13:00 LUNCH (Exhibitor Teardown at end)
13:00 14:00 Battery Testing via Zoom Phil Gagnon - ULC (ZOOM)
14:00 15:00 Performing Annual Inspections Darcy Watson - Elite Fire Protection
15:00 15:15 BREAK
15:15 16:15 New Technology Tim Renaud - Honeywell & Lui Tai - Vitalis Engineering
16:15 16:30 Education Update & Closing Remarks Joe Robinsmith - BC CFAA, Secretary